Begin The Secret Life

Three Dimensions Of Music

music nada yoga Dec 07, 2024

There are three dimensions of music worth discovering, and although the three are related, we may value one above the other. In our Yogic Mystery School, we are discovering all three of them at this time, even though we emphasize one during our current process. These three dimensions are aesthetic, therapeutic, and mystical, and each offers specific benefits.

In our process, the method is primarily directed toward the aesthetic, because, in order to create beauty with our voices, we've got to learn theoretical and technical components that have been simplified into three parts: chromatic calibration, developing ragas, and rhythm that involves timing.

We are three groups working as one whole. On the one hand, some are tone-deaf and have no sense of music theory or technique, while on the other, there are skilled musicians who are well-trained technically and theoretically. In between are the developing musicians who have various levels of theory and technique, some more than others....

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Music As Medicine

music Nov 08, 2024

It is a time for healing. Since COVID, we've all been through a lot, some more than others. Whether directly or experienced vicariously through our news feeds, life has been stressful. Music is a modality that offers us much.

When modern music therapy was discovered during the Second World War, nurses documented wounded soldiers healing much faster when music was part of their process. They also noted a reduced dependence on morphine.

Many cultures knew the healing power of music. Of significance are the ancient Greeks, including Hippocrates, the father of ancient Greek medicine, honored by our present-day system of Western medicine.

It is fascinating that as far back as 400 BC, around the time of the Upanishads, Hippocrates was inspired to use music as part of the treatment for ailments. And it wasn't just the physical dimension that was addressed through music. Hippocrates realized that mental health was integral to overall health and that music could "heal the mind."

In the Yoga...

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