Variables Affecting Consciousness

supraconsciousness Sep 19, 2024

Yoga, Tantra, and the Vedic experience, which we engage uniquely in our Yogic Mystery School, is about heightened consciousness, which, in turn, is related to several factors or variables, even though "consciousness" is philosophically and theologically something that seemingly stands by itself, independent of any variables other than its state.

If you are into Eastern philosophy, you are acutely aware that enlightenment is its own state that has no connection to anything else. The word "enlightenment" is often a synonym for consciousness, where this "consciousness" is not our typical everyday self-consciousness but something else entirely. The frequently repeated message is that once we realize this enlightened state of consciousness, we will be completely fulfilled because the self of enlightenment is our true self. The nature of enlightenment is our true nature. Once we realize this experience, we will want nothing more as it will satisfy all our needs, particularly the deepest...

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