Learn to transform negative conditions of soul that lower the quality of your life and consciousness. Excellent for therapists and coaches!


Orientation For The Golden Path

Gain a general sense of this program with this video. Then, read through the descriptions below for more detail. This program is for those drawn to discovering their voice in relationship to contemplative practices.

Week 1: Tools To Alleviate Anxiety

Learn these techniques to help yourself and others.

Combine sound, breath, and touch.

In light of what is happening in our world, we offer some powerful tools drawn from methods of Indian spirituality but made relevant to dealing with anxiety in particular. Anyone can learn and teach these tools.

Whether it is for yourself, or for the clients or students you work with, we know that these powerful methods will help better your life and the people you want to help.


Week 2: The Art Of Sacred Speech

Discover the voice of your deeper nature.

Voice As The Soul's Barometer 

What if we could find a more profound presence within ourselves when we are disturbed or distressed? And what if this presence can voice love in place of anger; or peace instead of fear? 

We can train our soul's voice to reflect and channel our deepest self in place of our ego's default negativity.

Week 3: Method of The Golden Path

Learn to use your soulā€™s voice to improve your life.

Your Soul's Voice

This method is the first of the three-pronged approach we use to transform anxiety on the spiritual path. Learning to differentiate between our soul's voice and the voice of our ego can make all the difference in working with our stress and concerns.

Anxiety is only one example of what you can transform through finding and exercising your authentic voice. And you don't need to sing or chant to discover this use.


Recognizing Presence

Presence is a quality of consciousness that is more than ordinary self-awareness. The practice we develop in this module aspect is essential for anyone interested in healing themselves or others. We use it to inform the development of our soul's voice.

To help develop this ability, we draw from both eastern and western methods of contemplative practice.


Transforming in the Now

We use this technique to work with emotion when it arises at any given moment at a deeper level than solely to find relief. It requires using our soul's voice in combination with recognizing Presence as a three-pronged approach.

Learning this method is paramount to empowering yourself and others for the long term.




Expand your knowledge and deepen your practice.

Week 1: Master Class Series 

The integration of western psychology with spirituality is critical to our spiritual awakening, healing, and self-transformation. This series includes The Anatomy of Self, The Anatomy of Soul, and The Anatomy of Spirit.

Don't worry!  What you receive is not heady, academic content, but easy-to-understand lessons that will inspire and inform your practice and healing process.


Week 2: Practice of Presence 

This program draws from the western contemplative tradition of Hesychasm, the heart's prayer, and the Desert tradition of Christianity. We also draw from the eastern spiritual practices of Yoga, Gnana, and Tantra.

Whether you are familiar with contemplative practice, or just a beginner, this powerful module offers insight and technique to enhance your spiritual experience.


Week 3: Love Mysticism 

Being in love with unseen divinity is not easy, which is why we draw from the richness of love mysticism around the world. Mystics like Rumi, Hafiz, St. Theresa, John of the Cross, Tukaram, and Mirabai can inspire our transformation.

Inspiration is not the same as an actual transformation, which is why the one-on-one coaching process helps adapt the approach to each student individually.


Sign Up To Study This Program

Try 10 days for a quick infusion or a whole month. You can also commit to three months of leisurely study and save 20% .




Gain insight into our practice and perspective on Presence by witnessing our interactive process in community.


3 Payments



Each month new modules become available to you along with substantial bonus content to supplement your study.





Receive immediate access to the entire depth and scope of the program with all modules and supplemental content.


10-Day Intensive (Included)

No matter what option you choose, we include our recent 10-day Intensive so you can witness our communal process as we break down the teaching and interact with one another around the process.



And we will apply the entire cost of the call to the entire program's tuition or towards the study any other entire online program that we offer in our Yogic Mystery School. So technically, the call's free!

Bonus Curriculum (Optional)

For those who complete the program ahead of schedule. It is not part of the curriculum but can be used as a reference for further study.

Yoga of Sound Series 

Although our 3-month Golden Path program focuses on discovering our soul's voice, we do not teach mantras or our sacred sound methodology in this program. 

Nevertheless, we have included this series of introductory videos on The Yoga of Sound for new students to become aware of the scope of sacred sound that we offer within our Yogic Mystery School.


Tantric Path Series 

Sri Vidya, "auspicious wisdom," is a 1500-year-old, orthodox Tantra tradition that inspires The Golden Path to Wholeness. This Tantra is not about sex but gnosis (higher wisdom).

We offer a series of sixteen lessons, a number sacred to Sri Vidya, to help you understand our approach to Tantra within our Yogic Mystery School.


Mastery of Mantra 

One of the more specialized voice training programs we offer in our Yogic Mystery School is the Mastery of Mantra. This program develops the assertive and articulate voice through the specialty of Vedic mantras. 

We've included six Mastery of Mantra webinars as a transition for any student who wishes to develop their voice through Vedic mantras' articulate speech. 


"I have been with Russill and the Yogic Mystery School since it started, 10 years now I believe. If you are thinking about it, go for it ! I teach yoga and work in a large corporation. I donā€™t say this to sound conceited šŸ˜ but my speech has completely changed. It has slowed down, become more precise, stronger, which gives power. We need this when we work and teach. Because of this, my own students feel safe, they feel itā€™s clear what I am trying to convey, and this helps to keep the class so it is not chaotic, and itā€™s a trusting environment where they can experience their yoga practice. Thereā€™s not only Russillā€™s expert guidance and teachings, we have the community that is safe, shares so honestly and is very supportive. It is something I always go back to and gives me comfort, groundedness and is so humbling. So thank you thank you thank you šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ˜ "

Stephanie from California
Yoga Teacher and Corporate Executive

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