If you have done this program before, you will love the new additions of traditional chanting from the Taitirriya and the Mahanarayana Upanishads, plus several new Shanti mantras.

PLUS, you receive two archived all-day mantra training intensives! 

Begin Your Training With Us Now And Discover The Difference!

With our signature Mastery of Mantra training, we build you up to chant mantras like this. At the present time, students are learning to chant this mantric text along with other Upanishadic Shanti mantras.

"I can tell you that vedic mantras are REALLY working at this moment in reducing fear, anxiety and dark thoughts. The effect is amazing☺🙏💟☀"

Mattias "Gopala" Hagman., author of "Leva Yoga" and founder of Gävle Yogaskola, Sweden's premier yoga training and who offered this program to his students.

Vedic chanting helps claim repower

Nothing is more fulfilling than when students apply themselves and reclaim their power through practice. The method is both spiritual and psychological. And of course there are numerous physical health benefits to chanting as well.


We've refined our method of teaching over 35 years of teaching widely across the US and worldwide, plus 20 years of online education experience.

Effective Tutorials

We've developed highly effective tutorials to help you learn quickly and efficiently. You study authentic pronunciation based on our studies in traditional Vedic schools.  

Training Your Ears

Refine your pronunciation by listening to dozens of hours of archived pieces of training so you can witness how we rectify common errors through our unique learning system.


We understand adult education. We know the importance of inspiration on our learning journey, so we include content to inspire your practice and application. See curriculum.

Avoid Anglicizing Mantras

30-Minute Webinar Replay

Mantras are essentially "sacred speech." Like any form of speech, we must learn to speak correctly and communicate effectively. Therefore, to "speak" mantras properly, we must avoid anglicizing them as they are not meant to be pronounced like English words! When we say mantras as a form of sacred speech, there is a potent physiological, psychological and spiritual effect that is magical, an alchemical impact by which we change our emotional state.


The Master Of Mantra is one of our signature programs, helping students develop strength, power, and precision in their voices through the practice of Vedic mantras.

Apart from the benefit of learning to chant Sanskrit the traditional way, students also end up considerably enhancing their communication and speaking skills as Vedic mantras foster the clarity of articulate speech.

This program can help any professional, for everyone needs communication skills to succeed in their careers and relationships.

Educators, especially yoga, mantra, and meditation teachers who offer workshops, can achieve a unique benefit through this training.

Not only can they learn to chant mantras with confidence, but they enhance their teaching confidence considerably.

""The Mastery of Mantra Training was invaluable for me to notice my habits and perfect my pronunciation. The inspirational talks by Russill opened me to the deeper meanings of the mantras. This guidance has enabled me to access deeper states of consciousness while chanting the mantras and beyond. I also loved joining with our wonderful community of students and looked forward to hearing them chant and talk of their experiences. I felt honored to be part of such a wonderful spiritual community.""

Lisa Ferraro, New Jersey
Yoga and Mantra Teacher

"I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in The Mastery of Mantra Training! Russill is an amazing teacher whose wisdom and pure essence shines through every aspect of the training process. For years I have been singing mantras as part of my meditation, yoga and self-healing practice. As a vocalist I've felt called to somehow incorporate mantra into my performances, but felt unsure of my understanding of the language and tradition. Through this study I'm awakening to the subtle magic of sanskrit and the traditional tones; along with powerful, ancient sound practices that are blowing my mind! I have begun to sing Kirtan and Mantra performances and have recently had the opportunity to do some recording. Most importantly I'm experiencing new depths in my spiritual practice as I devote more and more of myself to the sacred sound"

Talina Madonna, L.M.T., Chicago
Vocalist & Holistic Bodyworker

""This course has been a very wise investment for my soul's journey! Live on-line sessions with Russill, along with close up video tutorials where is easy to see the tongue positions as Russill is chanting have made all the difference. The transcendent power of the mantras now reveal themselves at last, as the vehicles they are to communion with Source. The more I practice the more tangible the sense of communion becomes.""

Louissa Gabriel, B.C. Canada
Business Owner, Mantra Lover

Tap the power of mantra as a source of spiritual energy

Our online tutorials appeal to both complete novices and seasoned mantra practitioners who have been mispronouncing mantras. We get you started with the Sanskrit language basics to learn how tongue positions stimulate heightened awareness and trigger direct spiritual experience. What we offer does not come in books, DVDs, or on the internet.

And what you learn through us about sacred speech transfers into your everyday speech. Most of our students discover that this training also dramatically improves their daily communication skills, bringing more spiritual energy and higher consciousness into their work and relationships.

(Impact the World) Refine your Pronunciation

When you incorrectly pronounce mantras, you change their meaning and, therefore, their impact. You need to know the difference which you will in our training. When you chant mantras the proper way, there is an unmistakable sense of power that also lends authenticity to your spiritual practice and chanting.

The proper chanting of mantras helps you embody and channel a high level of spiritual consciousness for your well-being and the world's, too. Your effort bears fruit in your core relationships, too, rippling out into the world.

Access content from anywhere at any time of the day or night.

Access highly effective video tutorials that stream to your phone, computer, or tablet device. These are exclusive and highly effective tutorials that cut to the chase drawing from almost 30 years of teaching experience at the highest levels of education in the United States and decades of music publishing with top-notch record labels in the music industry.

Learning mantras the proper way will add new dimensions to your speaking and singing voice. There is also the fact that learning a new language can do wonders for our brains.

Frequently Asked Questions


The core curriculum comprises ten foundational modules since they establish you in the proper pronunciation of Sanskrit. The tutorials are grouped into three phases and take you up and down a mountain path. 

The other modules teach specific mantras, mainly from the Vedas. For those interested in more sophisticated mantra uses, our foundational curriculum is necessary for advancement in Tantra.

Most of the mantras in our foundational curriculum are chanted in ashrams and yoga studios, so we focus on these "classic" mantras—for example, the Gayatri mantra. 

You will learn the proper pronunciation and the traditional tones for these mantras that come from the Krishna Yajur Veda's Taitirriya Shaka.

The program's strength is the custom-designed modules coupled with extraordinary training and profound levels of understanding.

PHASE A: BEGINNER (Empowerment of Shakti)

Module 1: Movements of Shakti (Learn Energy Flow)

Module 2: Yoga of the Tongue (Learn Placements)

Module 3: Prayers of the Heart (Learn Simple Mantras)

Module 4: The Spirit of Community (Learn Classic Mantra)

PHASE B: INTERMEDIATE (Study Obstacle Removal)

Module 5: Bringing Light to Dark Places

Module 6: Meditating on the Faceless Face

Module 7: Blasting through Obstacles

PHASE C: ADVANCED (Focus on Enlightenment)

Module 8: Pushing towards Enlightenment

Module 9: Liberation from Death

Module 10: Embracing the Fullness


Although there is archived training for every sub-module of each phase of the foundational curriculum, dozens of hours of group training sessions are included for those who wish to develop their ears as mantra teachers.



Once you complete the core curriculum, we offer you an archived all-day retreat in Shanti Mantras. These are mantras chanted before the Upanishads. You are now ready to chant traditional Vedic mantras.


Vedic mantras focus on peace and well-being. They are also a catalyst for the spiritual state of enlightenment characteristic of the Rishis, the great seers of the Vedas. In this phase, you will learn some lesser-known yet advanced Shanti mantras to enhance your chanting abilities.


This powerful mantric text is usually studied by those who wish to become proficient in mantra chanting. A collection of various mantras from the Vedas, this Upanishad trains one in the yoga of the tongue. In this phase, we focus on relevant sections to help us develop aplomb in our mantra chanting capability.


One of the best methods of learning the intrinsic rhythmic quality of mantras is through the Taittereya Upanishad part of the Yajur Veda. This Upanishad begins by explaining the various aspects of chanting and mantric learning. You can, if you wish, learn to chant the entire Shiksha Valli of the Taittireya.


In this all-day intensive, we offer training in Mantras For Death and Dying and a sense of cultivating an Authentic Vedic Mantra practice. A complete set of tutorials makes this a self-sufficient module you can undertake at any time.


As mentioned, adult learning requires us to be inspired to have a sense of purpose. With this in mind, we offer an extensive section available in all study plans from the start of enrollment.


This section addresses mantras as sacred speech and cautions against anglicizing Sanskrit. We present Sanskrit as the original mantric language that is also a means by which spiritual luminosity (enlightenment) is catalyzed through sacred sound.


The highest value of Vedic mantras is the facilitation of direct perception that leads to spiritual enlightenment. This value cannot be underestimated, as it is the basis for all authentic spiritual practices. Moreover, enlightenment is also essential for healing and transformation. Therefore, Vedic mantras benefit teachers, healers, and therapists.


In this section, students are provided various "techniques" by which they can learn how to use Vedic mantras to develop inner strength. A method of tapping into the breath and cyclical ways of looping mantras to transform complex energy states are also part of the insights provided.


Vedic mantra chanting can be a powerful antidote to depression. While mantra chanting cannot replace medical treatment, psychotherapy, or medication, it can undoubtedly help awaken energy in the psychic energy system that can complement other forms of treatment. The key to improved quality of life is enhanced consciousness. This type of mantra can assist that process.


This section teaches a specific sequence of mantras characteristic of the Vedic tradition. For students just starting with Vedic mantras and teachers of mantras who wish to introduce their students to this powerful stream of sacred sound, this particular sequence that is accompanied by a detailed explanation can be quite valuable. Vedic mantras are a great way to start the day!


The universe, we are told, is always listening. In other words, every thought in our mind affects our lives and the world at large. This presentation touches upon many teachings in contemporary spirituality, such as the Science of Mind, The Secret, and the Law of Attraction. Such instructions are in the cosmology of the Vedas and Hindu spirituality.

With almost 30 years of teaching experience at every level of education, from yoga studios to the doctoral level, Russill Paul offers you the credibility of teaching at accredited academic institutions in the USA together with extensive teaching at most of the leading-edge alternative educational institutions in North America, such as The Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, The Omega Institute of Holistic Studies, Esalen Institute, Hollyhock, etcetera. These are centers that have hosted the well-known spiritual luminaries of our time. In addition, Russill has presented at many of the most prestigious spiritual conferences in North America and internationally.

Your instructor has been at the forefront of spiritual education and consciousness-shaping for 30 years. A professional in the music industry since 1980, he brings a high level of technical expertise and musicianship to the quality of the online tutorials created for this program.

This training is part of Yogic Mystery School that began offering online education and the first universities that started to doing so in the mid-2000s. Russill Paul has had long-standing professional audio and book publishing experience, having worked with the New World Library. This press publishes Eckhart Tolle and Deepak Chopra, among others. He has also produced and published music for well-known music publishers, such as The Relaxation Company, Ellipses Arts, and Sounds True. You are in good hands!

What if I know these mantras already?

Even if you "know" these mantras, this program trains you in the traditional "Vedic" way of chanting them and the proper way to enunciate them. You are connecting to a living current that is at least 5000 years old. Beautiful though they may be, contemporary musical and artistic expressions of mantras often change the meaning of the words preserved in the Vedic form of chanting. You should know the difference through your practice and engage both forms for yourself and others.

Can't I learn the meaning off the internet?

This program offers a level of meaning and understanding of these mantras that you will not find elsewhere. Many of our students are yoga teachers, and quite a few have been chanting mantras for decades. This program is one of the highest levels of mantra education you can come by as a westerner. The numerous testimonials we have attested to this. 

Can I listen to these mantras on YouTube?

There is a huge difference when you learn to chant them using your voice. When you listen and learn by yourself, you can be entrenching incorrect pronunciation even deeper without expert correction. We have powerful methods to help you identify and "unlearn" lousy pronunciation while empowering yourself with good pronunciation when it comes to mantra chanting. When you learn to chant mantras this way, you tap direct perception into the nature of spiritual reality. In Yoga, we call this "pramana."

Can I study these mantras in India?

It is unlikely that you will receive the exact shaping of your chanting proficiency. To a greater extent, teachers in India do not know the nuances of how westerners use their mouths to pronounce sounds in language. You will have to find a competent teacher knowledgeable about the proper way to chant mantras, who is scholarly and can effectively communicate the process.

Why does it take six months? Can't I do it sooner?

You can, but for most people, it takes time. You cannot force this process to happen overnight, nor should you. We spread out this process over six months so that you can systematically gain a solid foundation in mantra pronunciation, perspective, and practice. If you want to complete this program in a shorter period, we recommend undertaking it with one-on-one coaching.


Monthly Installments



Each month, you receive new modules related to the Mastery of Mantra in addition to dozens of hours of archived trainings and inspirational tutorials.



One-Time Tuition



SAVE 15% ($1770)

PLUS, receive two all-day archived group intensives to experience up close training at various levels in our student community. ($590 value)


Initial Phases Of This Training

Even basic training will help you chant popular mantras differently setting the stage for you to read or chant any transliterated text.

Why do this course?

Over the years, we have trained many hundreds of yoga teachers, artists, mantra practitioners, and therapists, and lawyers, nurses, business professionals, and educators. You can become better at whatever you do as you learn to communicate more effectively, not only with the visible world but also with the invisible.

So that you know, this is no ordinary mantra program. It is about developing strength in your voice, clarity in your communication, and power in your soul. We help improve lives by empowering voices. Master the power of sacred speech and articulate speech through mantra with these precision tools to help you raise and transform your consciousness in powerful ways.



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